Our nature partners
To meet the high standards we have set ourselves, the eco-responsibility of the WFFC France 2024 has been the focus of a dedicated unit in the organising team. This team has also been surrounded by specialists in the field (academics and researchers in aquatic ecology, managers of natural mountain areas, and naturalists) and numerous partners. Many thanks to them all!
Here is a list (not yet definitive) :
- The Fédérations de pêche (09, 11, 66) and the AAPPMA (local fishing associations), carry out daily surveillance and action to protect aquatic environments. These are the key partners in the construction of this event, and you’ll be able to meet them throughout.
- Tourist offices, on the front line in promoting our natural heritage, will be offering information and events during the event.
- The OFB (Office Français de la Biodiversité) and the CEN (Conservatoire d’Espaces Naturels) : at both regional and local levels, these organisations are involved in the management of the natural areas you are about to discover. They have been instrumental in proposing the measures that have been put in place and will be taking part in the events.
- The ONF (Office National des Forêts) : one of the competition’s listed site managers.
- The ANA (Association des Naturalistes de l’Ariège), ANPER, Migado : are just some of the specialist naturalist associations that will be keen to show you biodiversity and the issues involved in protecting it.
- Team River Clean, is an association for the protection of watercourses that focuses on cleaning up rivers. This fast-growing association has pooled its expertise and resources over the last 2 years to work alongside us to clean up the competition sectors.
And there are many other partners (PNR, water managers, kayakers, local associations, tourism promoters) who share our eco-responsible vision and whom we’ll be introducing to you! Many of them will be present during the competition, at stands or providing entertainment. Don’t hesitate to come and meet them.